The Lethal Gentleman is a new archetype of man.
In the real world, the capable man reigns supreme.
It has always been this way. And it will always be this way.
You can’t deny that the modern world is different. Times are changing. Being an apex man is no longer purely about who is the best in battle, like it used to be.
Most of the modern warriors of today, are typically working manual labour jobs, you need more than just brain in this day & age.
You need brains & brawn.
The sad reality is, a majority of fighters live pay check to pay check. Conor McGregor’s stardom is 1 of 1, the rest struggle to make ends meet. If you are objectively broke, this by definition does not make your capable. If you can’t feed your family, if you’re couch surfing & if you don’t have skills to make money in modern society, throwing a nasty 1-2 means very little.
On the other hand, being a multimillionaire who is balding, overweight & works 100 hours a week & does not have time for their family or experiences, is also not a flex.
The ideal sits somewhere in between these two extremes.
But it’s the rarest breed of man. The one that can do it all.
Imagine having the communication skills to disarm a potentially violent situation, but simultaneously know you could maul anyone in the same room as you if necessary?
It’s the ultimate juxtaposition. The definition of a Lethal Gentleman. It’s the reason Bruce Wayne & James Bond are such revered & idiolised figures by young men.
It’s incredibly rare, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible.
A Modern Martial Artist uses his capability of violence as a personal development tool in 2024. Not to try & be a ‘tough guy’.
Life as we know it is more comfortable than ever. Hungry? Order UberEats. Bored? Watch Netflix. Horny? Well…. you know what most people do on the internet.
All of our masculine urges are 1 click away. Which breeds weak men.
There’s no other way to forge resilience than to do this voluntarily. Lifting weights is a solace for many young men, but why not learn how to defend yourself, your family & develop a valuable skill set, beyond bicep curls?
I Challenge You…
Fuck 75 Hard. It’s shit.
For the next 90 Days (It takes this long to turn a habit into a lifestyle).
Here is your Fight Camp - Daily Tasks:
Combat Sports & Physical Training:
If you aren’t currently training combat sports, sign up at your local gym.
Attend at least 3 classes per week. These can be in Striking (Boxing, Muay Thai) or Grappling (BJJ, Wrestling, Judo).
On days you are not training in martial arts, lift weights. (Specific routines will be provided if this challenge gains enough traction).
Eliminate all processed foods from your diet. The only sugar you consume should come from fruits.
Apply the same rule when eating out, diet should be that of a man in fight camp. This doesn’t mean it can’t be delicious.
Daily Walking:
Walk at least 1 hour every single day. This can be done in one session or split into multiple sessions (e.g., 3 x 20-minute walks).
Wealth Creation:
Complete 1 action every single day, that will increase your net worth by the end of this challenge.
Cut stupid expenses.
Take courses that increase your ability to earn more money.
Reach out to your network for business or career opportunities.
Post more content.
Learn about sales, marketing, finance.
The key here is to take action. Not procrastinate by listening to podcasts & think you’re moving the needle.
Track Your Progress - Make The Journey Aesthetic:
Take a progress picture every day. This can be a photo of your physique (to track your transformation), you walking in nature, training combat sports or lifting weights.
Focus on aesthetics. Learn how to take crisp, high-quality photos and have something to be proud of by the end of this 90-day period.
Do this for the next 90 days and I guarantee you that your entire way of life will change.
Become a lethal gentleman. Leave no stone unturned & be a man who is capable in every domain.