If you’re anything like me, you want it all.
You want to be capable in all domains of life.
You want muscle. But you don’t want be slow & have the gas tank of an obese person (like most bodybuilders).
You want to be mobile & flexible, but you don’t want to be a skinny yogi practitioner.
You want to be strong, powerful & capable in any domain of your choosing.
Whether that’s sparring at your local combat sports gym, climbing Everest, or simply having the energy & vitality to handle business, family matters and everything else in between.
What I will be sharing with you is a process I have curated over the last 10 years.
I have used the durability protocol on chronic injury sufferers who have dealt with over a decade of nagging injuries, & helped resolve them in 3-6 months.
I have used this on hobbyists all the way to elite level athletes.
This system can be integrated no matter your fitness level.
And I am going to share with you the entire blueprint, so buckle up (this is going to be a fucking long piece to read, but if you apply this, you will be a lethal gentleman).
Being physically durable is a quality that is desirable for every single one of you reading this.
Whether that’s being able to inflict violence, or simply aging tremendously & having everyone in your circle ask you “what’s your secret?”
We are going to break down a system that includes:
Maximal Strength Production
Mobility & Flexibility
Speed & Power Development
Martial Arts or Recreational Sport Participation
VO2 Max Development
Aerobic Conditioning
Anaerobic Conditioning
Agility & Jumping Capacity.
We’re going to take the best of every training style.
You’re probably thinking “How the fuck is it even possible to integrate all of these qualities into a week of training?”
Reasonable skepticism to have, but I will show you exactly how, AND I will give you a full 4 week block of training to show you how to curate an entire week of training.
The easiest way to demonstrate how to set this up, is to cover the structure of each session, to prove to you that we can truly integrate everything into a comprehensive system, which you can condense into 4 days a week of training if you really wanted to (you don’t need to be a full time athlete to do this, each session will be ~1 hour).
This is going to be a session that primarily focuses on maximal strength production and hypertrophy (aka muscle building). Within this session we will also work on explosive power, flexibility & mobility & building robust joints that are less prone to injury.
The main physiological adaptation we are eliciting from this session is the release of Human Growth Hormone & Testosterone. Put simply, lifting heavy shit releases these compounds, and whether you’re wanting to look better, or recover better after an injury, the release of these are essential.
I hate doing more work than is necessary. I see so many of you do high interval training (HIIT), burnout sessions and other stupid variations of this where you’re killing yourself and because you feel absolutely drained & fucked after it, its a ‘good session’.
If you want build your mental toughness, start a business or get into a combat sports gym, killing yourself unnecessarily with cardio is the most retarded thing I see when I look at combat sports training in particular.
This session is still going to be HARD, but you will be shocked once I reveal how little you actually need to work to maximise VO2 & build a prime gas tank. This session is going to build your heart, lungs & muscles in a way that allows you to complete repeated high intensity efforts. We are also going to use much longer rest periods than what you are probably used to, so we aren’t eating into our recovery by building up absurd levels of lactic acid.
This is where you have a lot of wiggle room & flexibility.
I fucking hate going for a run for the sake of it. Going on a treadmill or cardio machine just for the sake of getting fitter is incredibly boring to me & I can never stick to it (and I work in this industry, so how can I expect you to do it?)
To combat this, once I closed the chapter of my professional soccer career, I took up martial arts training. Now, you don’t need to train martial arts, you can also select recreational sports here (tennis & golf is a bonus if you’re in the business world and want to curate a network in this part of the world - I highly recommend getting good at either of these sports & joining a country club).
The reason I advocate for this is that you’re going to be getting fun, enjoyable cardio in, whilst being in a social environment of like minded people.
Running on a treadmill with your headphones on, versus being in an opulent environment where you could meet a future business connections, or just generally talking to people of substance is an ROI way higher than any solo cardio endeavour you’ll ever do.
Ideally, these sessions are on the “easier” side, so that you can recover from the ANABOLIC & ELITE GAS TANK PROTOCOL. But we will touch on this in more detail in the rest of this masterpiece training system.